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07/06/2021 at 7:00 p.m.

Aula Magna UNIA

Opening plenary session by CULTURHAZA . composed of Agripino and Protasia

Captura de pantalla 2020-02-09 a las 18.

Culturhaza is a creative project in charge of Protasia Cancho and Agripino Terrón where life, thought and work occur in the naturalness of the days while waiting for the earth and the word to bear fruit.


It is right there in that conjunction of the "fertile" where the possibility of creative thought generates and articulates the different actions that will give way to the various artistic manifestations of which the Culturhaza collective is a producer (happening, performance, video creation, poetry, music, etc.), all of them under the common denominator of “Agrolandart”. And naturally, the poetics of the land is recreated and regenerated in Culturhaza from the very agricultural work as a way of existence and vital resistance, which finds its expressive foundation in the origins of European Land Art, an example of coexistence between art and nature.

In the extra-temporality of art, tradition and contemporaneity coexist to offer us the estrangement of the everyday in a feat where the work of the field is transformed into islands, paths, haicus, doubts and thoughts wound into balls, through the mechanisms and processes of the farmer .


To inaugurate the InSEA Seamos Radicales / Being Radical Congress, the face-to-face attendees will make plants for the winter garden. We will put the mixture of humus and coconut fiber in the seedbed and we will bury the seed. These plants will germinate and grow in Culturhaza until they are the right size to transplant them to the rows of the Huerta Mucho Cucho where they will complete their cycle. We will upload to the web photos of the evolution from seed to seed, from when they sprout until we remove the new seeds from the selected fruits.


We invite online participants to also make a seedbed on the opening day of the congress. Depending on the hemisphere where they are, they will have to choose a plant for the summer or winter garden. It is very important that they look for a local seed that they can grow to bear fruit in the conditions and space they have, that is, it can be transplanted into the ground or into a pot or similar. They just need a small container and good soil. If you have to ask a farmer for instructions, the seed or the land, we would like him to send us his photo. Please also indicate the name of the variety if you know it, even the little story behind the seed. And when you see progress, upload photos of the vegetables to your Instagram, mentioning the InSEA Congress, we will recover them and make a folder with all of them on the web. It will be a huge and beautiful virtual garden.

07/07/2021 at 10:00 a.m.

Aula Magna UNIA

Flori·culture subversive . by ORGIA

Presented by: Ricard Huerta

Captura de pantalla 2020-02-09 a las 13.

ORGIA is a monster with several heads (those of Beatriz Higón, Carmen Muriana and Tatiana Sentamans), which since 2001 raises its research and artistic creation around issues related to gender, sex and sexuality, from a feminist and queer / cuir. It is about a fluctuating, unstable and bastard identity, which passes through different methodological disciplines obeying its desire and driven by its artistic and political concerns. His production overlaps and is confused with his artistic training and his vital and research experience. They are diverse elastic and porous points of view that converge in the same imaginary, where the plastic creation is a valuable critical tool.

ORGIA is a heterotopic space in which when it is entered, the laws, times, and pleasures are marked by the amorphous being itself that is formed. Authorship and subjectivity are diluted in "sticky" periods of research, debate and materialization. Its peculiar and spongy activity has resulted in numerous participations in exhibitions of a national and international, institutional and peripheral nature, as well as in workshops, seminars, conferences, cultural practices and projects.


Flori subversive culture is a tentacular project that expands from our
critical research, from a transfeminist and cuir / queer perspective, on the
gender marks in language and on bodies. And one of his arms is the
homonymous conference-performance subtitled “Representation in an act.
Pantomime of scientific / artistic credibility for four strings - which this time
it will be 3 ”.

From a sexualized botanical fiction, accompanied by an entomology
personified and ironic, the universality of science and its dogma is questioned from
of positivism. Applying our own mutant analytical method, the metabolism
discursive, we subvert the reductionist methodology of categorization of species,
of the Enlightenment, and the very notion of species.

Scientific illustration, a bridge between experimental sciences and applied art, we
serves to challenge the standardization process involved in representing
a natural element (a crass or succulent, an insect or a mammal) from a
idealization and synthesis with rigorous and pedagogical overtones (which aims to clarify a
message and establish a pattern), but at the same time leave out any
uniqueness, specificity or diversity. To put this parody on its feet, we used, de
twisted way, a paraphernalia of scientific credibility, including
“Evidence” in the form of images and sound samples, as well as elements of the
rhetoric of action art and theater.

Captura de pantalla 2021-03-15 a las 7.3

07/08/2021 at 11:30 am.

Aula Magna UNIA

Round table on current paths for arts education

WhatsApp Image 2019-08-30 at
mesa redonda

Discussion table by Fernando Hernández, Ricardo Marín, Mira Kallio-Tavin and Teresa Eça, where to discuss issues, addressed throughout the actions of the congress, moderated by: Ángela Saldanha and Maria Letsiou

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