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Exhibition Let's Be Radical



"Let's be radical" is an open call to participate in an artistic exhibition project at the InSEA European Congress, which functions as a parallel activity independent of the proposals sent by the participants.


The works will be printed by the organization of the congress and physically exhibited in an exhibition hall. In addition, a virtual exhibition will be organized that will include visualization of the physical exhibition once it is mounted. This virtual exhibition will be added to the congress website and to other dissemination spaces.


The call:


The reception of images is opened accompanied by a slogan or title, which synthesizes the idea to be defined with the image. The theme of the images is based on what each person considers appropriate based on the main idea of ​​the congress: "Let's be radical."


Technique: digital photography.


For practical reasons, it is proposed that the works be all in A4 or A3 formats depending on the volume of participation in relation to the space in which they will be exhibited.


The purpose is to provoke reflection. For this reason we can only contribute a maximum of two works.

Each image is as important as the sum of all of them. The set of images should represent a compendium of situations in which each of the people has felt compelled to look at what was captured by means of digital photography.

Participation rules:


Each participant may only contribute a maximum of two works.


The sending of the images will be done through the form enabled for it and filling in the personal data and the work that are requested.


The images must have the appropriate resolution to be printed with quality. If not, the work will be rejected.

Registration is open:

Deadline: May 31, 2021

== Click here to enter the form

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