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Victoria Toribio-Lagarde: In-carved

'En-carvings' is an exhibition held in the city of Linares (Jaén), as a result of 'Women's Day' last March 2020 and which aims to be shown through a poster communication.
It is shown in it, how the fashion system has conditioned the female body since its existence, through the standardized use of dress sizes; oppressing, in many cases, freedom of choice, and treating the body as an object from which the imposed physical prototype should not be surpassed or diminished. In this way, with this exhibition, the autonomy and equality of women in the use of their own physical appearance was vindicated, through the exhibition of five sculptures, made in plaster of five women with different clothing sizes. The five resulting plaster busts were named “XS; S; M; L; XL ”respectively, with the existing sizing nomenclature, generally, in most establishments of the European fashion system, which represent a prototypical type of beauty that conditions the personal opinion of each subject and, consequently, their identity and self-esteem.
It is at the same time an exhibition in which not only the models, but also the visitors, were involved, since the main objective of freeing the human body from any imposed standard occurred at the time it was invited. the visitors to illustrate those plaster busts with the feelings, or sensations that were oppressing them at that moment, highlighting the desire for liberation from any physical or psychological conditioning.
The idea of the use of plaster to represent this fact arose, above all, inspired by the observation of youth and their actions at the moment in which they recover from a bone break with the use of plaster casts. It always happens, in these cases, that the peers illustrate the plaster cast with what most represents them, during the period of bone reconstruction of the protagonist who wears it.
Taking into account all these factors, the poster communication will present the results of a transversal, interactive and multidisciplinary sculpture exhibition, to give visibility to a series of contents that include a theoretical study that refers to areas related to audiovisual culture (the decoration of the busts was influenced by this), the functioning of the fashion system (by the construction of standards represented in the dress sizes that determine how the female body should be), gender perspectives (by the allusion to the claim feminine autonomy) and psychosocial characteristics (through the representation of
of identity through the exhibition of what made each visitor identify himself in relation to the oppression "In-carved" of the busts).
And as conclusions, the opinions of the public participating in the exhibition and a comparative criticism of them will be shown.

Póster En-talladas. Victoria Toribio Lag
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