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Patricia Quintana Figueroa, Solange Fuentes Contreras:: Black screens: from the teaching of visual arts in the classroom to a virtual monologue, visual accounts of an experience.

In the context of the pandemic that occurs, we have been faced with various changes in relation to the teaching function. These transformations have derived from a face-to-face pedagogical practice, where the body, subjectivity and materialities have a fundamental role in the teaching work, towards a virtual pedagogical practice, where we have been relegated to a teaching process through deliveries of guides written, complemented with a dialogue / monologue through a screen generally turned off by the interlocutors / students, which has limited movements, possibilities, interactions, looks, materials, among others. Undoubtedly, in this situation, the visual arts at school have undergone enormous adaptations as they cannot guide the process continuously, with delivery of guides and virtual classes every other week, in the best of cases. The impossibility of showing and exploring materials, of exhibiting and seeing live examples, among other difficulties, has generated a shift in subjectivity / teaching work and a deep doubt about the student's learning process, as it is not certain whether a written guide or an explanatory video is enough to replace the aesthetic experience of the discipline. Added to this is the fact that there is little connectivity and little reception from the students of the material delivered. Therefore, this proposal for a visual story as a poster will address, based on experience and through images, the movements of teaching subjectivity and the curricular development of visual arts based on their possibilities in the context of virtual education in a Chilean Public school.

relato visual pantallas negras, solange
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