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Katerina Stepankova: The Importance of Self-Experience in the Art for Prospective Generalist Teachers

Personal attitude of teacher towards teaching subject, professional self-efficacy and domain specific skills are essential for teachers´ ability to deliver subject content to pupils. The students´ relationship to subject and domain is established earlier than at university. These roots come from students´ own educational history, especially at primary school. The research showed that students of elementary school teaching and students of leisure time pedagogy present their attitude to art education in school as negative, and their subject evaluation is perceived as marginal. In this article is discussed how the change of didactic approach can positively influence the relationship of students to art education, and improve their understanding of this subject. The research sample included prospective primary school teachers in their 4th year of study and distance learning students of leisure time pedagogy. In the first step of this research was used the qualitative approach to identify personal relation to the subject. In the second step was used the Art Based Research. During the process of art creating were employed didactic principles inspired by creative art therapy, experiential pedagogy and reflective dialog. The Art Based Research was chosen mainly because it allows capture the changes happening in the art making process and participants engage both in the process of art making and reflection of this process. This type of research can generate new, unexpected questions that open the way to deeper understanding of this issue. It also allows to pursue artistic and research goals in parallel. The conclusion of the research is that these methods enhancing self- experience can change students´ self- efficacy in art and creativity in a very short time. They also can help students to gain new insight into the meaning of art education and broaden the horizon of the subject goals. All these results are essential for improving the quality of art education at the primary level, which forms the basis for further education in the field.

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