Ana Serra Rocha: The playfulness of making research in Art Education PhD
Ao longo do Doutoramento em Educação Artística no Instituto de Educação de Lisboa, I have developed a research body focused on Experiência do Livro as a place of epistemological reflection on artistic education. Neste sense creates research workshops (Making); Where the participants are invited to serem discoveries and researchers, imagining and exploring the process of construction, creation, reading and manipulation through the elaboration of a collective book. These workshops take place around a question and inspire the concept of a pedagogical event by Dennis Atkinson through the involvement of two participants, to contribute to an epistemological research in artistic education.
The link that the group establishes makes it possible that unpredictability leaves an element of trust and creativity not developing the research, which is also called by Suely Rolnik over the course of the mapping of the subjectivity response between the different authors. Transponder or cartographer profile for the researcher applying a sensitive sensitivity of the investigation to the event. These research workshops challenge participants to deal with tangible objects, whose experiences are registered on a surface (letter), which do not form a rhizomatic mapping of forms of knowledge, developing a narrative not a field of artistic education.
This Congress proposes a free exploration of the slogan: I want to play an artistic education, presenting two workshops that will take place based on Cardography methodology (invented for these workshops starting from A / R / Tography), where a word will be compõe: C (context), A (artist), R (researcher), D (doing). developed around the same support (card), resulting in an intreventive process of writing and writing, promoting the construction of a visual result as an object / book as an element of mapping and return of the research carried out.
Launch some linhas interrogatives of course, in an attempt to re-invent a participatory artistic education, visually representative and that is pleasant not to be played, uncovered, manipulated and observed.