Joan Miquel Porquer Rigo and Eulàlia Grau Costa: Acting from home. The approach of the creation workshop in mixed teaching based on methodologies of discovering
The subjects of Creation Workshop I, II and III are the compulsory subjects of the third and fourth year of the Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona with more ECTS credits, where students choose a specific itinerary (Sculpture, Painting, Drawing, Engraving and Image) to establish their processes and projects of artistic creation and focus towards the completion of their Final Degree Project. The three subjects, successive in semesters, represent the first great choice of the students in their academic and artistic career, since they are faced with opting for one or another field of work.
By their nature, Creation Workshops have to allow the student to learn to articulate their creative discourse and develop their own methodologies. In this sense, the teaching team in each field must establish mechanisms that allow it to do so, facing contradictions that may arise in the formal and conceptual approach of its project. The area of Sculpture (E1) places a specific emphasis on practical and face-to-face work in the Sculpture workshops available to the Faculty of Fine Arts (Stone Workshop, Mold Workshop, Soft Materials Workshop, etc.), in symbiosis with group and individual tutoring sessions where their proposals are monitored and where students are introduced to the establishment of their artistic creation methodology.
In the context of the 2020-2021 academic year and with the consolidation of the mixed teaching model (virtual / face-to-face) due to the health situation, it is necessary to adapt conventional class structures and the adoption of new formulas that allow us to continue providing practical knowledge students. With regard to methodological development, in the E1 field the authors of this communication propose to work from a chain of activities of «discovering methodologies» (Grau Costa and Porquer Rigo, 2018), which encourages students to develop proposals of creation starting from certain conditioning factors and creative references to obtain open and surprising results while questioning their motivations (ethical, ideological, formal), autonomously, extrapolated outside the space of the faculty.
The communication makes an approach to the methodologies of discovering, to the chain of activities proposed for the creation workshop, to its presentation and the results of the same to share its model, and generate a space for the exchange of impressions on similar adapted proposals to the current teaching situation.