Lova Palmér: Boys´ responses to art education.
Aim: To examine participation in art education through analysis of staging in student film making compared to staging in the classroom
Theoretical frame: Social-constructionism and Feminist Poststructuralism. Theories used in the analysis: Butler's theory about Performativity. Critical pedagogy. Freire's emancipatory pedagogy and Fielding's student voice. Connell's theory of hegemonic masculinity Method: Visual ethnography conducted in my own art classroom/practice. Empirical data consists of fieldnotes and sketches from participatory observation, interviews, and film elicitations with students about their film projects, artefacts and documents consisting of students' artwork.
Result: The staging observed in the student films displayed a tendency to be more study oriented compared to those observed in the classroom. The students cell phone cameras as a tool in filmmaking has shown potential when it comes to increasing students' participation in art education. There is an intertwinement of place, popular culture, and the students' filmmaking. The expanded classroom outside the school and outside the art class offered more possible staging and positioning then in the art classroom.