Ángela Moreno Córdoba: Children's photography: analysis and teaching methods. A case study based on the visual arts.
In this brief study we introduce the analysis of children's spontaneous photography from a mixed methodology, both qualitative, through a case study, and based on the visual arts using research instruments based on photography. The main objective of this research is to investigate Clara's learning (4 years old) in her spontaneous processes of creating photographic images. From these analyzes we will try to develop a methodology for teaching photography. We start from two research questions: When is a child's photograph spontaneous? And can a relationship be established between the spontaneous and learned way of creating photographs at an early age? To answer these questions, we have started from an exhaustive review of the most recent specialized literature for the design of a workshop that would allow data to be taken and analyzed in depth, as well as proposing various imaging activities that provide us with data of interest. In the discussion of data, an analysis of Clara's spontaneous photographs has been carried out, through study series, as defined by Roldán and Marín Viadel (2012). In this analysis we have managed to identify some of the key characteristics of children's spontaneous production based on a four-phase scheme that was developed in a previous study (Moreno Córdoba, 2020): a) spontaneous contact photography; b) photography of experimentation; c) enhanced photography; and d) satisfactory photography. As a conclusion to our work, series and photo essays are presented that show some coincidences and divergences between the two models of creation mentioned above: spontaneous and learned.