Ainhoa Gómez Pintado: Collaborative miscegenation as the basis of the design and implementation of a research project around game scenography in the 0-3 year cycle
We propose the design of a case study that seeks to understand what happens in game scenographies (Ruiz de Velasco and Abad, 2011) or installations for 0-3 proposed by the company Teatro Paraíso in two contexts: the Center for Artistic Innovation ( KunArte) of the company that integrates actions of creation, training and exhibition seeking to promote the appropriation of the citizenship, especially in the smallest and in their families, of artistic languages as a tool of expression and communication; and in the Municipal Infant Schools (EIMU) of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Thus, it is intended to define the characteristics and determine the benefits of these scenographies from the experience and gaze of the participants (artist-workshops who propose them, EIMU teachers, families that accompany the young and the small and the researchers themselves ) and from the study and analysis of the interactions that these facilities provoke in said people, but, especially, in girls and boys, in order, if necessary, to improve them.
Attempting to contribute to educational values in practice requires "a transformation of the power relations installed up to now between researchers and practitioners" (Contreras, 1991, p.65) involving defining methodological changes of research activity such as the approach to procedures and appropriate contexts to negotiate research problems or forms of collaboration between all the people involved that are reflected in the choice of the object of study, born of a need detected by the members of KunArte, and in the methodological approaches, which entail the horizontality in relationships and "the incorporation of affected voices" (Vizcarra, Macazaga and Rekalde, 2009, p. 80). This translates into the participation of the artist-workshops, the EIMU educators and the families in the design of the methodology, in the definition of the variables that allow establishing the necessary criteria for a non-intrusive observation and in the decision regarding the the aspects to be reflected, and how to capture them, in the final results.
The miscegenation and collaboration also penetrate into the different information gathering instruments that combine direct observation and audiovisual recording of the actions of all the people, large and small, participating in the scenographies, with focus gropus and in-depth interviews. , in which are present, in addition to listening and the dialogic relationship, other visual elements such as photographic elicitation (Harper, 2015) and mental maps (Herrero, 2008).
All this to facilitate the democratization of the research process and the joint construction of "more polyphonic texts" (Kamberelis and Dimitriadis, 2015, p.525) that will be presented through an encounter between written and visual language in which both are enrich and complement each other but in which one of the keys is that knowledge and its communication emerge directly from the images (Harper, 2005) to achieve “an ethical claim: to find a new vision of childhood to be able to look at it from their culture, doing it, in turn, we, from multiple perspectives ”(Cabanellas and Hoyuelos, 1998, p.22).