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Ágnes Gaul-Ács: Visual abilities profile – a more complex image of visual capabilities? gifts? capacity?.

The goal of this empirical research was the recognition and development of visually talented pupils in general education system. The observation went on at 5th and 9th form subsequently, in the frame of Moholy-Nagy Visual Modules – the teaching visual language of 21st century. As it is known the visual giftedness performs in the same age (Kárpáti, 2002).
In Hungary there isn’t any tool or package of tools on teacher’s disposal for measure pupil’s abilities, in order for optimize their development. This isn’t so lacking for experienced teachers (Boughton, 2014), not is so for beginners, who would be grateful having a measuring instrument serving the objective evaluation and development their pupils. To have a better result badly needed the real knowledge of the pupil’s abilities
In our research we did not observed geniuses but for those talented pupils, whose performance in visual abilities were significantly higher than their classmates. The sample come from the Didactic Research Moholy-Nagy Visual Modules. The method of the selection based on expert opinion, by experienced art teachers. The sample composed on 102 pupils recruited from secondary schools of Budapest and county side. The “control group” of not so talented pupils arrived from the same classes as the gifted ones. This kind of selection is advantageous in evaluation, because the pupils have the same teacher, and so we could avoid the possible differences of teacher’s effectivity.
In the frame of Moholy-Nagy Visual Modules schools and classes took part in special advancement programme. Before the programme, 9th form and three years later 12th form pupils filled a battery of test consisted of Spatial ability, Colour perception, Visual communication online test, and the Test for Creative Thinking - Drawing paper and pencil test.
We in this “sub research” observed the development of visually gifted pupils’ advancement and differences between their classmate’s advancement. According to the two-way ANOVA analyses showed that visual giftedness is a complex relation of abilities, a complex idea which is hardly demonstrable as an outcome of a discrete test. Mean time outcome of more test provide more real picture about certain pupil general visual performances. Giftedness and the way as somebody reach a certain result become visible in the observation. Results of tests taken in, then visualised in one chart gives opportunity to the observer see results reached in different measurement, and show the personal pattern of his abilities. In such a way not only individual persons, but group of pupils can be analysed, and so we shall be getting a more objective and comprehensive view about their visual capabilities.
Regarding the result of interaction analysis, the impact of time on achievement (which happened during three years from 9th to 12th form) and the effect of talent group interaction is not significant (F(1, 89)=0,052 p=0,082 Part. η²=0,001). The main effect of time significant (F(1, 89)=7,401 p=0,008<0,05 Part. η²=0,008.), which means that above normal development characterized by the age cohort further growth performed in the sample. The main effect of teacher is also significant (F(2, 89)=3,881 p=0,024 < 0,05 Part. η² = 0,080.), which means, that the person of teacher has significant influence on the size of growth in the sample.
Further pieces of information came from interviews with art teachers. Their judgements are not similar in the discrimination of talent. While certain teachers all differences from the average consider a sign of aptitude, and according to their wives they can be developed to be talented by persistent motivation. While other teachers more complex performance of giftedness regard high ability. Due to a third observation in adolescent age cohorts the measurement is rather difficult with state tests (or it needs deep and thorough preparation of pupils), so the portfolio evaluation seems to be the appropriate tool for them.
Tools and group of tools developed in the Moholy-Nagy Visual Modules are worthwhile use in visual education in future. In one hand it may contribute transparent special pattern of visual abilities for individual pupils at a glance, and in other hand it might show the direction of development of classes taught. This kind of service could be essential for beginners in getting diagnoses of the class and mean time outline direction of development.

Kárpáti Andrea (2002). A vizuális tehetség fejlődése és fejlesztése a kamaszkorban – magyar művészek életútja alapján. In: Köves Szilvia (szerk.). Juveníliák II., Kortárs magyar képzőművészek gyermek- és ifjúkori munkái. Magyar Iparművészeti Egyetem, Budapest. 26-36.
Babály, B., & Kárpáti, A. (2015). A téri képességek vizsgálata papír alapú és online tesztekkel. Magyar Pedagógia, 115(2), 67-92.
Boughton, Douglas (2014): Assessment of Performance in the Visual Arts: What, How, and Why. In Karpati, A., Gaul, E. (Eds.) : From Child Art to Visual Culture of Youth - New Models and Tools for Assessment of Learning and Creation in Art Education. Intellect Press, Bristol, UK.

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